
Wednesday 5 September 2012

New Zealand Against Trans-Pacific Partnership

Although countries like Canada regard the Trans-Pacific Partnership as nothing of great interest, the Green Party of New Zealand is calling everyone to pay attention to how dangerous its provisions really are. That’s why the Party didn’t stop to fight the treaty locally and even decided to move their fight at international levels.


A week ago, Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel visited Canada. The visit itself was seen by the media as a sign that Canada still has some power in the world, while mentioning the TPP agreement only indicated that the country has no quarrel with it – actually, it believes it’s a beneficial factor. The media called Canada’s inability to review their IP laws “mystifying”.

In the meantime, Green Party of New Zealand is taking the fight even further by telling people across the globe what really the Trans-Pacific Partnership is. The Greens issued a joint statement to express their serious concern at the “undemocratic and non-transparent” nature of the TPP.

After the draft investment chapter of the TPP leaked, the Green Party became very concerned that the treaty has the potential to undermine the ability of the governments to perform efficiently. Moreover, the provisions of the Trans-Pacific Partnership could also hinder access to safe and affordable medicines, as well as weaken country’s content rules for media and stifle high-tech innovation. Finally, the agreement could restrict the ability of governments to legislate for the good of both public health and the environment.

The Green Party believes that this process should be transparent. However, the Trans-Pacific Partnership has been negotiated behind closed doors with a level of secrecy which is entirely unacceptable in a democratic society. The article they published explains why the agreement is considered a great threat to any democratic society. Unsurprisingly, the article caught the attention of local MSN, News Talk ZB, and even made an appearance at the Sky News Australia.

Although it is unclear what kind of impact all of these efforts will have in the future, the most important part is that the precedent exists and the Green Party is confident that people will be smart enough to rise up and fight against any threat to their democratic way of thinking.


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