
Sunday 7 October 2012

“Six-Strikes” Regime Ready to Be Enforced

The graduated response system was postponed a few times for various reasons, but now ISPs throughout the country (including AT&T, Comcast, TWC and Verizon), along with the outfit responsible with tracking down infringers, are ready to enforce a “six-strikes” system of notifications and punishments.


CCI (the Center for Copyright Information) will be supervising the entire process under the aegis of the entertainment industry. Aside from the largest Internet service providers in the world, there will also be a company named MarkMonitor, which was chosen to track down alleged pirates.

In the meantime, the CCI representatives confirmed that a number of the largest ISPs are ready to send notifications but remain reluctant to make the first move. This forced the CCI to come up with an idea to motivate them by suggesting a joint-launch at the end of 2012.

The company MarkMonitor is operating under the name of DtecNet and is known to have a record to cooperating with both the Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture Association of America for quite a while. In addition, MarkMonitor is gathering information in Ireland within the frames of the Irish “three-strikes” system. However, it is unclear how accurate such tracking program is: in fact, published reviews by DtecNet revealed many inaccuracies and false theories. The hopes are that the company has learned from its own mistakes.

Some independent expert has recently conducted a research on MarkMonitor’s gathering techniques, and their review will be published in the nearest future as part of the outfit’s plan to promote transparency. By the way, the company is also planning to force some of the involved broadband providers to launch small-scale tests in November.


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