
Tuesday 25 September 2012

Online Outfits Created Alliance against the Entertainment Industry

Alliance, known as the Internet Association, includes fourteen Internet giants such as Google, Amazon, and Facebook. The aim of the alliance is to defend online freedom and human right for privacy.


The Internet Association was officially announced last week. Its president, Michael Beckerman, explained that if given the chance, the outfit would have boycotted SOPA bill. However, SOPA died long ago, so the outfit doesn’t have to make sure that the government understands how exactly it would have censored the web and harmed its infrastructure. Anyway, the alliance says that its mission is to be the unified voice of the online economy in all policy debates.

Michael Beckerman had worked with Capitol Hill for a dozen years, ending as a deputy staff director of the House Energy and Commerce Committee for Rep. Fred Upton, a vocal opponent of network neutrality. In the meantime, there are some concerns about the FCC, so a federal court is going to hear the changes brought by the outfit’s new rules next year.

Beckerman added that the alliance also realizes the importance of a reformed Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Moreover, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) has suggested new digital privacy protections which demand the authorities to get a probable-cause warrant in order to obtain e-mail and other information stored in the cloud. This suggestion will be introduced in the Senate Judiciary Committee soon.

While there are a lot of groups that lobby against the abusive regime governed by the Motion Picture Association of America and the Recording Industry Association of America, the Internet Association is supported by such giants as Apple, Microsoft and Oracle. Nevertheless, these companies aren’t part of the group.

The association also lists Google, Amazon, eBay, AOL, Facebook, Monster Worldwide,, TripAdvisor, and Yahoo. The president of the Center for Democracy and Technology confirmed that the Internet giants play a crucial role in educating policymakers about how political debates affect Internet innovation and the ability of Internet portals to empower people and entities around the world. Hopefully, this association will be able to protect Internet users’ rights.


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