
Monday 17 September 2012

Wikileaks Published Emails of Intelligent Agencies

The worldwide known whistleblowing outfit Wikileaks has recently posted 5,000,000 emails, believed to have been stolen by Anonymous, from the global intelligence company named Stratfor.


Wikileaks claimed in its statement that the Stratfor introduces itself as an intelligence publisher, but is engaged in providing confidential intelligence services to international corporations like Northrop Grumman, Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and various government agencies, such as the well-known US Department of Homeland Security, the US Defense Intelligence Agency, and the US Marines.

One of the leaked emails, originated from CEO George Friedman, is claimed to give instruction to another analyst on how to extort the data from an Israeli intelligence informant concerning Hugo Chavez: Wikileaks quoted the words “You have to take control of him” and “Control means financial, sexual or psychological control”.

So, why exactly was Stratfor considered dangerous by Wikileaks and online pirates who spent their efforts on stealing the email database from the company? Probably, this is because Stratfor is a private company that also serves as a security agency for the authorities, allegedly using an extensive network of paid informants. The whistleblowing site claimed that Stratfor staff influenced policy makers in the US and fed in tips to Israel’s secret services Mossad. This company is also suspected of having made “secret deals” with many news outlets, which include Reuters and the Guardian. Meanwhile, the site’s public figurehead Julian Assange has previously openly traded blows with the Guardian.

Wikileaks also claimed that the intelligence company maintained close connections with ex Goldman Sachs bigwig Shea Morenz, who was working with Friedman in order to create a new company named StratCap, which would reportedly rely on Stratfor’s informants in order to generate revenue from trading in government bonds and currencies, with Morenz being on the board.

The full list of 5 million emails can be found on Wikileaks’ Global Intelligence Files page. The whistleblowing outfit believes that dedicated members of the public would manage to sift through the millions of files to uncover more news on the issue.


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